Zebra Tales

Maya '23

Hometown: Bermuda

Groton activities: varsity crew, the musical, JV soccer, winter running, choir, peer counselor, Groton Feminists co-head, Groton Sexuality Alliance, Active Minds, International Community Advising Program, Debate, Maq-cappellas

Most surprising when you first arrived at Groton: Teachers inviting me to their homes for dinner

Favorite class: 我喜欢历史,尤其是我和Dr. Spring in Fourth Form. 我最喜欢的部分是写我的两篇研究论文,因为钻研细节并与她讨论是很酷的.

Most memorable Groton moment: 第一次在学校面前唱歌——我最好的朋友劳伦和我在二年级唱了一段小礼拜堂的插曲. We were so nervous, 但后来我觉得我们在走廊里遇到的每个人都非常鼓励和支持我们.

Favorite Dining Hall food: Monkey bread.

Favorite place to study: The bubbles on the top floor of the Schoolhouse, or the Dillon Art Center on a sunny Sunday afternoon

List of 8 news stories.

  • 《查理·布朗》剧组在周六彩排后遛着沃利(查理·布朗饰)的狗. 想要更多类似的演员照片,请查看我们制作的instagram: @charl_iebrown2017

    Reflections on Winter and Looking Toward Spring

    Last term ended with our production of Charlie Brown, which was lots of fun! I played Schroeder, a traditionally male role, 但我认为我能够给这个角色增加一点我自己的影响力. 我挖掘了原角色的主要性格特征——痴迷于贝多芬——但我也试图将这种兴奋运用到她与朋友的互动中.

    The performance was in the final days before the end of term, so I wasn’t sure if many people would come, as that’s when tests tend to build up, but we ended up getting a lot of support from the student body, which was very heartening.

    There was a while when I was kind of questioning why we were doing Charlie Brown 在所有的表演中,表面上的主题似乎是轻松、轻浮和幼稚的. I came, however, 不仅要欣赏六岁主角的小冒险的深度和智慧, but also to see how a fun children’s show doesn’t need a complex, mature plot to have an impact. I think it was uplifting.

    Our music director, Devereaux, at the beginning of the process of creating the show said, “Why do people put comic strips at the end of newspapers? I don’t think it’s just for kids to read, although that’s part of it, but for adults, after reading a long, depressing segment of news, to have something light to make them laugh.” I think that was how the show was deeply significant. We’ve had months, years now, of heavy, heavy news, 这是一场健康的表演,充满了我们作为演员对彼此的爱, and carefully choreographed and rehearsed antics, was able to make some people smile. 查理·布朗(Charlie Brown)这个角色的相关性也很特别. 这部剧涉及心理健康,在它的小故事中编织了一些非常深刻的时刻. I think the school (and probably world) needed to see that, too.

    It was a special show, 最终,对我来说最特别的部分甚至不是接触社区, it was the tiny community we created with one another. 我交了一些真正的好朋友,我们的长时间晚餐是我冬季学期的亮点. 

    当我们进入春天的时候(感觉它已经飞逝而过了)!), I can feel new friendships  and communities developing. I’ve loved, for example, being on the crew team, from watching Hairspray 季前赛期间在教练家里吃着冰淇淋和饼干, 在去船屋的路上,我朋友的扬声器里放着音乐. 

    Our form has started the college process, 当你问别人学校最好的地方是什么时, a common answer is "the people." At Groton, 而是每个学期我都有机会通过一系列对我来说非常有意义的活动与人们深入交流.
  • American in Vietnam

    What an amazing class! 这学期任何跟我谈过的人都可以告诉你,我是多么强烈地推荐这学期的选修课——我就是不想就此打住. I had Ms. Wallace in Third Form and loved her, 所以这才是我选择这门课的真正原因,而不是对这门课特别感兴趣, 但事实证明,这是我在这所学校上过的最有趣的课程.

    我们从这么多第一手的视角获得了深入的观察. 华莱士精心挑选了大量的阅读和其他媒体(有一天晚上我们看了电影) The Trial of the Chicago 7 for homework—I definitely recommend it), 以及她丰富的知识和美丽的组织使班级成为一流的. 我们有两位真正的战争老兵,他们几乎每节课都要旁听. Jim Lockney, 他三年前从易胜博app安卓下载体育部退休,并与. 华莱士工作了20年,每年都能分享越来越多的他的经历, and Rudy Kallock, who used to work in the school store.

    A few weeks ago, when Jim was able to be here in person rather than on Zoom, 当他带来一些他从战争中留下的纪念品时,我们进行了一场展示会, including gear, propaganda, a compass, and a lighter (pictured). 我们还听了他1969年寄回家给他妻子的录音(我想). 到目前为止,我在为这门课写的两篇文章中引用了吉姆和鲁迪对战争的后见之明, one about how misinformed the U.S. was going in, and one about what it takes to tell a “true war story,,而不仅仅是在每节课上听到我们的常驻老兵对我们阅读材料的见解, we also read and listened to a lot of firsthand accounts. 

    Last night, Ms. 华莱士在我的宿舍值班(她给我们带了布朗尼蛋糕),当我下楼去补充水瓶的时候, 我刚刚完成了今天课上的阅读材料,内容是美国战败后的撤退(基本上失败了). I was almost speechless after the reading. “What a mess,” I said. 她空洞地笑着说,如果有一样东西她希望她的学生从她的课上得到, it’s that wars are much easier to start than they are to end. She also teaches a class on America in the Philippines in the fall, and one on America in Iraq in the spring, which I hope to take next year.

    We got to talking about what’s happening in Ukraine right now. 她还说,在本学期的最后两周,我们将有另一位易胜博app安卓下载学院的教职员工讲述她的家人在美国人撤离后逃离越南的故事. Then we’ll have Dr. Margaret Funnell (a Dartmouth professor and Mr. Funnell的妻子)来谈谈PTSD背后的心理科学. “It’s state-of-the-art stuff,” Ms. Wallace said.

    这门课令人难以置信,因为它在学校里根深蒂固, and how it has informed me about the world.
  • Theater this Winter

    I’m really excited about the winter musical!
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  • Parents Weekend

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  • Dr. Ibrahim's Kittens

    我的一个朋友最近正在上一门叫做“公共领域中的宗教”的伦理学课. Almost two weeks ago, she received an email from her teacher, Dr. Ibrahim, that her cat had had kittens! On Thursday, Surprise Holiday, I got to visit them.
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  • Studying in the Schoolhouse

    As Fifth Formers this year, my grade gets "8-10,“这意味着我们可以在宿舍外面活动,而以前我们是在自习室.
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  • Why I Love History

    I’m really excited for Fifth Form! I’m especially looking forward to taking U.S. History. I’m not from the States, so I don’t know much U.S. history, which I was pretty worried about at first. However, 我真的很喜欢历史这门学科——《易胜博体育app下载》和《易胜博app安卓下载》是我在易胜博app安卓下载最喜欢的两门课. Not only have I had the BEST teachers (Ms. Wallace for Sacred in Third Form, and Dr. 但我也很喜欢写我的研究论文.
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  • 测量了20米,和我的搭档一起做底栖生物成分分析

    Scuba Diving

    今年夏天,我拿到了潜水执照,这样我就可以在我住的海洋科学实验室实习了. 我非常喜欢潜水,因为每次我下潜,我都觉得我可以探索这个美丽的地方, new world. 我和科学家团队从岛屿周围的所有珊瑚礁收集数据.
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